

Artist’s Book Award for Beldan Sezen published in: Quaerendo Volume 52, Issue 4

Artists’ Book Award for Beldan Sezen

In: Quaerendo, Volume 52, Issue 4

Paul van Capelleveen, the curator of Rare Books at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), nationale bibliotheek van Nederland wrote a piece about this year’s artists book prize that has been awarded jointly by the Herzog August Library and the Curt Mast Jägermeister Foundation since 2018.

In his writing he reviews my book To Keep That Bit of Physical Distance which is part of the collection at the KB.

You can read an except here:

Quærendo is a leading peer-reviewed journal on the history of books and manuscripts in Europe, especially but not exclusively the Low Countries and its neighbours. Particular emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of book history and the dissemination of books and manuscripts. Since 1971 Quærendo has established itself as a major forum for contributions concerning the history of the book. Each volume contains, besides full articles on all aspects of the history of the book, a special section for Book Reviews and Notes in order to announce recent discoveries, new publications and relevant events.

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